This subject will deal with everything that is happening at the UN climate change conference which started today in Copenhagen and will end on the 18th of December.

Barroso is trying to revive Copenhagen within the EU
The president of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso sent a letter to the 27 heads of state and government of the EU, informing them of the next steps in the work of the Commission regarding climate change. Barroso is underlining that the work on climate change response will be one of th ...
Copenhagen summit: good that it failed
The participants in the UN climate change summit in Copenhagen in December 2009 did the planet a favor by refusing to endorse a binding agreement to drastically reduce carbon emissions. This is the opinion of the director of Copenhagen Consensus Center Bjorn Lomborg, who is also the author of th ...
The bright and green future has been delayed ... for now
After hard negotiations and extending the deadline the leaders of 193 countries, participating in the 15th UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen agreed on a 3-page document, called in its very beginning the Copenhagen Accord. The document is not legally-binding but it is written in the text that i ...
Bad, Worse, Copenhagen
The feeling of a failure of the climate change talks in Copenhagen is increasing more and more with every hour, since in the afternoon another draft text appeared in the Danish capital, excluding 2010 as a deadline for a legally binding agreement, the world agencies report. Even before the two-w ...
Never ending efforts
There are no prospects for serious concessions at the ongoing negotiations in Copenhagen on the new deal for climate. Since yesterday the informal summit of the leaders of the major economies ended with no success, this morning the Danish prime minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen convened another info ...
Judgement Day
Such a feeling leave the plenaries at Copenhagen, during which one after another world leaders of over 100 countries make statements. Speeches vary from calm calls for a deal to blaming, searching the main factor responsible for climate change and for the survival of mankind in general. And whil ...
Hillary Clinton: We will contribute to the Global Fund for Climate Change
One of the good news that came today from Copenhagen against the background of growing pessimism is that the US is ready to contribute to the Global Fund for climate change, aimed at helping poor countries face the impact of climate change. This became clear after the statement of the American S ...
Tension at Copenhagen is rising
China cannot envision reaching an immediate, operational accord out of the negotiations here, according to an official involved in the talks, an official from the Chinese delegation said, quoted by the Washington post. It remains unclear what China would be willing to embrace instead of a robust ...
Copenhagen enters into culmination
Late in the afternoon in Copenhagen world leaders will start arriving for the negotiations of a new climate deal. Protests in the Danish capital are also expected to get more violent. It's also getting harder to forecast the outcome of the summit that has started 10 days ago. Negotiations among ...
Per un euro bucato
A Balkan sense of outwitting or a true belief that Bulgaria has managed to make a good deal? This is the question I've been thinking over the past few days after I learned that Bulgaria will contribute to the Global Fund that will help poor nations around the world to fight climate change with 2 ...
The EU made a step back in financing climate change
The European Union retreated from its initial idea to pay 5-7 bn euro per year by 2013 for mitigation and adaptation to climate change of poor and developing countries. During their last session of the European Council earlier today the EU leaders have agreed to secure 2.4 bn euro annually which ...
Why reaching a legally binding agreement in Copenhagen is difficult?
An answer to this question give Uri Dadush and Vera Eidelman from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. They make a comparison between Copenhagen and the lessons from Global Trade Reform or, to put it otherwise - globalisation. They say that reaching a legally binding multilateral agre ...
Bulgaria put a condition to contribute to financing climate change
During the first day of the EU summit in Brussels (the European Council) an agreement for the contribution of member states to the Climate Change Fund has not been reached. At its session in October the European Council has decided that the EU should secure 5-7 bn euro per year by 2013 to help d ...
The EU has announced low emission reduction targets, a study says
A research conducted by EcoFys and ordered by the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament shows that the commitments, announced by many of the developed and developing countries are just not enough to achieve the fundamental goal of limiting global temperature below 2 degrees centigrades. Th ...
Video: Bulgaria has chosen the path to low carbon economy
Get the Flash Player to see this player. url=/files/image/video-bulgaria-is-going-to-low-carbon-economy/Nona_Karadzhova.avi.FLV wmurl=/files/image/watermark.gif width=360 height=260 loop=false play=false downloadable=false fullscreen=true displayNavigation=true displayDigits=true playlistThumb ...