A meeting of the European Council
The European Council is the body which gathers together the leaders of the European Union so that they can decided on important for the Union issues. Usually, when all other institutional tools are being exhausted, the decisions are left to the heads of state and government. This is why euinside decided to separate these meetings from all other issues. Here you can follow which issues when were important as well as what happened to them.

EU believes Ireland will pull itself out of the swamp
The situation in Ireland was among the main topics discussed during the first day of the informal meeting of European finance ministers in Brussels. The recent numbers announced by the local authorities showed that the costs of bank restructuring in the country will reach 50 billion euro, which ...
Isn't it better that we have a single "northern" currency?
According to some European economists, the Old Continent's division no longer is on the axis from the Cold War - East vs. West but South vs. North. The analyses and also bare eye observations show that Northern economies are more resilient to crises, more competitive and with higher productivity ...
Can the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance be a solution?
You have for friends a family in which the woman has a reduced ability to work, due to illness, and the man has not graduated university and suffers from gambling. This family has two children and a constant lack of money. They attempted to take a loan, covered by their apartment but the relativ ...
What's next in the eurozone - integration or disintegration?
Against the background of the euphoria from Sunday's Ecofin's decision to create a special mechanism for the rescue of the euro - an euphoria shared by financial markets too, blamed for not quite fair methods toward the single currency - now it's turn for more sober assessments. "Europe faces a ...
World efforts for saving the euro
After a 12-hour-long and a probably dramatic meeting, the EU finance ministers agreed on a European Stabilization Mechanism worth 500 billion euro. On the same principle as the Greek finance assistance, the International Monetary Fund will participate in a complicated multi component scheme wort ...
The Eurozone Creates its Own Rescue Fund
On the day of Europe - 9 May, the EU Finance Ministers will convene for an extraordinary meeting to discuss the Commission proposal for a European Stabilisation Mechanism. The decision for the urgent ECOFIN has been taken at the meeting of the eurozone countries late on Friday, 7 May. Although n ...
The Greek rescue will cost 110 bn euros for 3 years
The first rescue operation in the eurozone is already a fact. Greece will get financial assistance worth 110 bn euro in the next three years in exchange for reforms and spending cuts. This is written in the agreement the country concluded with the European Commission, the European Central Bank a ...
The Greek contagion is spreading but the cure is uncertain yet
The situation in the eurozone is on the way of getting out of control since only for the past several days the following things came up: first, Greece's credit rating reached the absolute bottom (junk rating) and, second, Portugal's rating was downgraded too, indicating a repeat of the Greek sce ...
Financial Ebola is spreading across Europe
The Greek financial virus is spreading like a wildfire across the euro zone. After it took its first victim (aside from Greece) Portugal on Tuesday, a day later it stroke the forth largest economy in the euro zone, that is currently holding the Presidency of the European Union - Spain. The credi ...
Finally Greece asked for help
Just days after the smallest details on the rescue package for Greece have been worked out (a combination of the efforts of the 15 eurozone partners and the IMF) Athens requested the assistance. This ended months of speculations on whether Greece wanted help or not. The latest rumour was almost ...
Europe is recovering on two tracks
As the global economic recovery is gaining traction in countries like the United States, China, Japan, and the emerging markets, the numbers for the fourth quarter in Europe are weak, according to the economists of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. However, the announcement of a Gr ...
The eurozone is preparing a loan for Greece
There was a feeling of a hurry during the Sunday video-meeting of the Eurogroup finance ministers, during which they agreed Greece to receive bilateral loans from euro area members worth 30 bn euro for the first year of a possible 3-year rescue plan. Even more puzzling was this against the backd ...
A triple unlocking mechanism for the Greek salvation
A political declaration with a political message for a political solution to a political problem. This is how the explanations sound about the eurozone members' declaration, endorsed late on Thursday by euro area's 16 leaders, finally announcing a mechanism for financial aid for Greece. The esse ...
Will there be a European solution to national problems?
A lot of problems the EU leaders will have to decide in Brussels on Thursday and Friday at their regular spring European Council. Mainly because of Greece but also because of post-crisis perspectives, a major issue will be the new economic strategy of the European Commission Europe 2020. The res ...