Tax-Energy European Council
For the first time since February 2011, Herman Van Rompuy is inviting the leaders of the EU member states to discuss the issue of a common energy policy. This time, however, in the context of the search for boosts to growth and tackling the growing poverty among the European citizens. Unlike 2011, though, this time the summit agenda will not include energy only, but also tax fraud and tax evasion. The summit will be of the small ones - just a day long and without expectations to last more than planned.

Asymmetry of Competitiveness
If it was not for the crisis, hardly there would have been a battle with the tax havens and the impediments to the completion of the EU single market of energy. A remark of the sorts uttered European Council President Herman Van Rompuy after the end of a really odd and short EU summit on Ma ...
Shale Gas and Tax Havens Are Expected To Dominate EU Summit on May 22
"Don't misunderstand me. I think it is very important to tackle tax evasion, tax fraud and tax havens. But I wonder if putting on paper more conclusions will help us forward. That's simply more of the same. The Council said it already in 2010 and 2011". This is what former Belgian Prime Minister ...