
Cause and Effect in European Politics and Law
You Move Europe

You Move Europe

In the EU, currently, an intensive debate is taking place about the future of the Union. A discussion stemming from the many problems that have accumulated in the past years. Bulgaria until now was standing in the sidelines of the debate. But not anymore. The platform for civil debates MoveBG has launched a campaign You Move Europe, which euinside has the pleasure to be a strategic partner of. The campaign aims to put on the agenda of the Bulgarian public the unresolved European issues and challenges the EU is facing, with a focus on Bulgaria's place and the role of the citizens in the European process. With a view of the upcoming European elections and the formation of the new European Commission, MoveBG and euinside believe that it is important to boost the public debate about Europe's development and the mechanisms for civil participation. In this subject, you can follow all the events in the framework of the campaign as well as euinside's participation in them.
 | © MoveBG | © MoveBG

EU Can Be Evaluated only after It Is Lost

The benefits from the EU will become clear only when we lose the EU. Currently, more visible are the negatives from Bulgaria's membership in the Union because the country does not succeed to adapt sufficiently well to what the Union offers, said Yavor Syderov, a political analyst, during a debat ...
 | © European Commission | © European Commission

How Much Europe Gives Us and How Much Does It Cost Us?

To be able to answer correctly this question it is important before that to ask ourselves another one - what did we expect from the EU and did we get it? In the entire process of accession, from the moment when the decision to apply for EU membership was taken, through the negotiations, up to th ...

Very Hard Landing for the European Integration

Where is the EU after the euro area crisis? Where is it going to? What have the dreams of the Bulgarians turned into? The EU as an economy or as politics? Bulgaria more than ever needs to make a choice. This is the shortest summary of the second debate (the first took place on March 25th) from t ...
 | �© MoveBG | © MoveBG

We Need a New Convent for EU

"What does the EU give us?", "We and they", "So what?", "Who are we sending in the European Parliament and why?". Those were some of the questions discussed during the first debate in the framework of the MoveBG's European agenda, which euinside is a strategic partner of (the entire debate can b ...
 | © European Commission | © European Commission

The Debate about a EU Reform Finally in Bulgaria

In the United Kingdom, but since recently in Germany, the Nordic countries and some other parts of the European Union as well, an intensive debate is ongoing about whether the Union needs reforms and what should they be. The debate was inspired by the British Prime Minister David Cameron's famou ...