The June Summit of Ins and Outs
The agenda of this year's European Council is packed with issues that are full of tensions among the member states. One of the hot issues is the European Commission's migration agenda which has caused severe reactions among the member states, as some (Hungary) are already building protection walls. Another crucial topic on the agenda is the second four presidents' report on the future of the euro area. Precisely in the current moment of tensions over Greece the issue is not quite popular. The expectations are Greece's future to again take over the economic part of the European Council. And the third contentious issue is that on top of all this UK Prime Minister David Cameron will demand his proposals for EU reform to be discussed. There are other topics on the agenda as well, like the security challenges of the EU, fight against terror and the digital economy but they are not likely to cause any trouble.

Exhausted and Weary EU Is Looking for the Smallest Common Denominator of its Unity
You know that moment of tiredness when you wish so bad for it all to be over, even something you have put hard work into for years. That moment came on Thursday night in the EU when the leaders of the 28 member countries negotiated, or rather, as sources claim, quarrelled fearsomely and not over ...
Greece Needs More than a Deal
A mighty consensus is brewing in Brussels that even if a last-minute deal is struck with Greece it is not going to solve neither its problems, nor the Eurozone problems with Greek origin. While numerous Eurogroup meetings and the leaders’ summits continue, the feeling that more than a deal ...
Northern Eurozone Members Need to be Honest on Greece
The latest crisis with Greece will end as always – the next expensive loan will be lent until the next crunch, thinks Syed Kamall, leader of the third largest group in the European Parliament – the European Conservatives and Reformists. In an interview for euinside he stated that the ...
To Brexit or Not To Brexit
It looks like a heavy program for the EU summit starting today in Brussels. There is almost no topic on the agenda that does not test the stability of the Union – whether at its core (the Eurozone) or its entirety. Somewhere in between the quarrel over mandatory immigrant quotas and the ex ...
The Fifth President
Just one week is left until the EU leaders’ summit this June when the second report of the four presidents is expected, although with much less anticipation. We are talking about the leaders of the Commission, ECB, European Council and the Eurogroup, who have been tasked by the leader ...