European Council 28-29 June 2012: Now or Never
Once again, the European leaders are under global spotlight in an attempt to counter the crisis, this time really decisively and with determination. From the European Council meeting in Brussels on 28 and 29 June can be expected short-term measures and long term solutions, aimed at not just resolving the crisis but setting the direction in which the EU will develop in the future. The European leaders themselves admit that the timing is crucial. However, whether they will live up to expectations will largely depend on their ability to make compromises between the domestic political ambitions and European interests. In this subject euinside will publish articles, dedicated to the summit and you can read live coverage of the summit in our free talk corner on Thursday and Friday.

A Love-Based Marriage between Angela Merkel and Mario Monti
Ever since Mario Monti appeared on European stage last year to replace the inconsistent, arrogant and unmanageable Silvio Berlusconi, whose governance was pushing Italy fast to default, many things have changed. Yet with his first 100 days as head of a technocratic government in Rome, he managed ...
Growth for All and All for Growth
Now it is certain that the talk about growth in the EU has no other purpose but to generate domestic political dividends. And this would not have been bad if too much attention was not paid to it as a single element of a more general picture - who is dragging the cart and why are not all draggin ...
Eurozone, Britain and the Rest
Europe at three speeds emerged on Friday morning. This became possible after the EU leaders succeeded to agree on the direction in the future, with which to try and exit the whirlpool of the eurozone crisis. The summit took place as usually in the past few months in several layers, each of which ...
The Services Directive – in the Reality and in the "What If" Domain
Do you remember The Polish Plumber? Or, rather, do you remember the panic caused by the expected invasion and conquering of Europe by Polish plumbers? The character emerged in 2006 as a symbol for the effects of the enlargement of the internal European market in the services sector, proposed wit ...
No More Programme Countries in the EU
The eurozone bailout funds will be allowed to directly recapitalise banks and buy bonds of troubled countries, without an "adjustment programme" to be required, as before. The big news came in the early morning of 29 June as a result of lengthy negotiations among European leaders. "We agreed on ...
The Eurozone Reloaded*
In 10 years the eurozone should have a finance ministry and a central budget, a common economic policy, common debt and common banking supervision in the face of the ECB. And all this guaranteed by the necessary democratic legitimacy, "based on the joint exercise of sovereignty for common polici ...
Germany against All on the Eve of European Council
At the end of the week, European leaders will gather in Brussels for another "decisive" European Council summit. Many times during the past year their meetings were described as critical and results were expected to reverse the course of the crisis. But this did not happen or at least not with t ...