
Cause and Effect in European Politics and Law
Europe 2020

Europe 2020

The new economic strategy of Europe by 2020 is already being discussed very seriously at a European level. The way it will be written and what priorities it will have, will depend the achievement of its goals and, therefore - our well-being in a world which went through a crisis of globalisation and now it will have to decide what the price of things is and why. This is why euinside is paying a serious attention to the strategy and this will be the subject where you can find news, comments and analyses about its development.

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Support in principle and many ideas for Europe 2020

The discussion about the new EU economy strategy, called Europe 2020, is advancing slowly. The reason for this is not a total lack of engagement of EU member states but rather the much more pressing problems as the crisis in Greece. In fact, it was the Greek crisis and also the problems in Portu ...