ECOFIN/September 2010
In Brussels a Council of EU's finance ministers it taking place (Ecofin). The main issues for the Council are the European semester, the imposition of a tax on financial transactions and bank levy. This Council is important because, if the Commission's proposals are to be approved, this would clear the way for a thorough debate on them at the October European Council.

The EP and the Council argue again over the financial regulation
The European Parliament has adopted its position on OTC derivatives, short selling and investor compensations, while expecting lengthy disputes with the Council (the member states) over the three subjects. With regard to the short selling and derivatives, the final vote was postponed in order to ...
Let there be light ... on the derivatives market
Shedding light on a market, that was completely in the shadows until recently; more transparency and more security - this was the way MEPs commented on the decision of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs to support the draft regulation, proposed by the European Commission for OTC deri ...
European institutions are trying to limit speculation on the sovereign debt
While trying to get the debt crisis under control, saving three euro area countries, the EU is making efforts to regulate certain financial instruments, which are believed to be related to the increase of public debt - short selling and credit default swaps (CDSs). With short selling the seller ...
The Commission is considering a tax on profits and salaries in the financial sector
If there would be a tax on financial transactions it should be global, because otherwise it would be more harmful then helpful, the European Commission says. The communication on financial sector taxation, presented by Tax Policy Commissioner Algirdas Semeta on October 7, shows that the Commissi ...
Bulgaria is against new taxes on the financial sector
Taxation of the financial sector was one of the main issues during the informal Council of EU finance ministers in the end of September. And while on the issue of bank levies there was a general consent, things do not look the same with regard to a possible tax on the financial system. A short b ...
European Commission: We must end "the Wild West" of the financial markets
Between the two parts of the phenomenal film "Wall Street" humanity experienced the rise and fall of virtual money. Buying and selling bonds that you do not even own, but earn from them, became the most attractive luxury gambling. People were easily securing a standard of living they dreamed of, ...
The EU is almost ready with its new financial architecture
After the hot summer this year, the autumn in the European Union is beginning with no less heat. The start of the autumn season was given with several key events. One of the most important is that after a year of wandering, tackling unforeseen problems, disputes and negotiations, finally the Eur ...