December EU Summit - Another Step To Disintegration?
The agenda of the December EU summit this year is full of dividing issues - from the common border guard, through the future of the euro area to UK's demands for renegotiation of relationship with EU. Pessimism is the dominating mood in Brussels before the summit. On the agenda of the two-day meeting are also the energy union, the fight against terrorism, the war in Syria, the Commission roadmap to complete the single market.

Failure or Success for David Cameron at European Council?
It depends on who you ask – to British Prime Minister David Cameron a lot of progress was made, although the road ahead looks difficult; to the continent this is a mission of political rescue of the British PM, which is far from the member states’ agenda. The conclusion from the Dece ...
Member States Are Close to an Agreement on 3 Billion Euro For Turkey
Member state leaders have given the task to the permanent representatives to negotiate as quickly as possible on the mobilisation of the money for the Turkish fund, agreed on at the special summit between Turkey and the EU on November 29th, when the EU promised to pay three billion eur ...
Boyko Borissov: Enough With Referendums! We Want Help With Judiciary Reform
The referendum in Denmark is very worrying, said Bulgaria Prime Minister Boyko Borissov before the start of the summit in Brussels when asked by euinside which British demands is he ready to back. He shared that during the summit of the EPP, which traditionally is held before the Europ ...