Brussels Economic Forum 2011
This year's economic forum in Brussels, quite expectedly, is being held under the ongoing reforms of European Union's economic governance. Again, in the Belgian capital gathered together leading economists, politicians and analysts to discuss to what extent the undertaken by European institutions measures and national policies would lead to the stabilisation of the euro area. The topic of the forum this year is Rethinking Economic Policy in Europe. A New Era of EU Economic Governance. In this subject here euinside will publish materials from the most interesting statements and comments. And as this is an issue we follow closely, you can find on this website a rich archive of news and analyses.

The European rift
"The rift between Europe and its citizens is already there. Europe no longer registers well with many Europeans ... because of the disconnect between the European institutions and its citizens. ... Europe's institutions and its representatives are perceived as distant and technocratic, immersed ...
Germany banged on the table: Less vacations, more work!
In perfect synchronous, but at two totally different scenes, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble criticised the countries of the southern periphery of the eurozone for working less but relaxing more. Both made clear that German solidarity was neither gratui ...