The European Greens made an Internet site STOP BARROSO
Adelina Marini, June 29, 2009
If you think that only in Bulgaria there are Internet sites that call on their readers not to vote for one or another candidate, I will surprise you. The European Greens have also created an Internet site calling politicians not to be reappointed without taking stock of their performance. The record of José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, does not stand up to scrutiny, the Greens say and call on the readers to send e-mails to their MEPs to require a full stock of what Barroso has achieved so far.
The first step is to prevent Barroso from being reappointed by the European Parliament on 14 July already. "Apart from the many reasons why Barroso is not fit for the job, it is illogical and undemocratic to bulldoze through the appointment of the Commission President in July", the Greens write on the site. They also claim that if Barroso is not reappointed on the 14th of July a lot of alternative candidates will appear.