
Cause and Effect in European Politics and Law

The EU also offered a hand to Iran

Adelina Marini, April 27, 2009

Now Iran has all reasons to believe that, indeed, there's a change in American policy toward Tehran. This conclusion can be derived from the full support, announced today by the EU on the direction of the new American policy toward the Islamic Republic. In addition, Brussels stands behind the efforts of the US to find long-term solution of the Iranian nuclear issue, based upon the resolutions of the UNSCR.

All this has been discussed at today's session of the General affairs and external relations Council in Luxembourg. This is the format of the foreign ministers of the EU, where they, relatively often, almost every week, discuss important global issues which then are being approved by the European Council, which takes place twice a year formally and the informal format is another 2 times a year.

The ministers expressed particular satisfaction with the readiness of the US to take part in the negotiations with Iran together with Russia, China, Germany, France and the UK. At their session the ministers called on the Islamic Republic to seize this new opportunity and engage seriously into the efforts of the international community.

Warming of relations with Iran might lead to very serious shifts not only in the Middle East but in Asia, and Europe because this would mean total change of power centre. We should not ignore another major possibility which is the inclusion of Iran in some of the important for the EU and the US energy projects about which you could read in other publications of euinside.