
Cause and Effect in European Politics and Law

The economic governance of the EU: the community approach

Adelina Marini, Ralitsa Kovacheva, June 19, 2011

We could have hardly found a better moment and a more eloquent title for our first discussion under the project, financed by the European Parliament - The European Parliament on your websiDe. As we wrote numerous times, reforming the economic governance and, most of all - relying on the community method instead of the compromise between national interests, is not a new idea but it had to be accelerated because of the Greek crisis. A year later, a time very short in terms of the way the European Union functions, Greece is again on the agenda but there are already six proposals for strengthening of the community approach of the economic governance, the adoption of which is expected in the end of the month.

The discussion

On Monday (June 20), the main team of euinside is leaving for Brussels where on June 22 we will hold, in one of the TV studios of the European Parliament, the discussion with members of the European Parliament on the topic: The Economic Governance of the EU: the Community Approach. For the discussion we have selected MEPs who are members of the temporary Committee on the Financial, Economic and Social Crisis, tasked to develop recommendations to tackle the consequences of the crisis in the EU or in the permanent Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs.

On behalf of the biggest group in Parliament - the European People's Party - will take part Mrs Danuta Huebner, the former commissioner for regional policy and currently chairing the Regional Policy Committee in the EP and a member of the important temporary committee on the financial, economic and social crisis.

From the second largest group, that of the Socialists & Democrats, we invited Mrs Pervenche Beres - a member of the temporary crisis committee and its rapporteur.

Swedish MEP Olle Schmidt will be the representative of ALDE (Alliance of the Liberals and Democrats for Europe), who is a member of both the important groups - the temporary crisis committee and the economic and monetary affairs committee.

With the MEP from the group of the Greens, Sven Giegold, we will talk additionally as he is busy during our discussion. Mr Giegold was one of the most active participants in the debates on the enhanced economic governance, as well as on financial regulation and the solving of the debt crisis.

The Parliament

The discussion, organised by euinside, will end literally minutes before the MEPs begin the debates on the legislative package of the enhanced economic governance of the EU. The six proposals must to be voted on Thursday just before the European Council.

The European Council

It has become a tradition euinside to report on the European councils from the spot and this time will not be an exception. The leaders of the EU will have a two-day summit, dedicated to the situation in Greece and the enhanced economic governance. The recommendations for the member states (see our analyses about the euro area here, the new member states here and Bulgaria here) in the framework of the European semester. As euinside wrote, another major topic of the June Council will be the new policy on migration of the EU, the strengthening of the Schengen area and the situation in the southern neighbourhood of the Union.


Although travelling, we will follow the fate of Greece, which is currently moving in two parallel levels - today (June 19) started the debates on the confidence vote in the reshuffled cabinet of George Papandreou, the voting of which will be on Tuesday. The ministers of finance of the eurozone are gathering on Sunday and Monday to discuss the conditions for the payment of the fifth tranche of 12bn euro on the first bailout of 110bn euro for Greece. They will look for a compromise on the new bailout, which will probably be close to that amount, to enable the taking of a final decision on July 11.

On all these indeed important issues in the European agenda we intend to keep you constantly updated through text and video, and from the Council you can also follow us "live" on our Facebook page (page and in Twitter (@euinside).