
Cause and Effect in European Politics and Law

Stanishev is reporting his achivements to help voters make their choice

Adelina Marini, June 10, 2009

The prime minister Sergey Stanishev started a while ago the presentation of the report of the work of his government for the last 4 years with the words that "Bulgarian society has the right to see the comprehensive change that happened in Bulgaria for the last 4 years. Only then people will be able to make their conscious choice at the forthcoming elections. I understand that for the opposition it would be better this information, this report to have never existed". The prime minister reminded also which were the main priorities of his government: full EU membership of Bulgaria, financial stability of the budget and the economy, increase of productivity and competitiveness of Bulgarian economy, decrease of unemployment and raising of the standard of living.

Sergey Stanishev also announced that he has no doubts that all opposition forces will start denying the data in the report and called on them no to paint everything, achieved so far, in black.