
Cause and Effect in European Politics and Law

Russia feels discriminated with regard to nuclear materials

Adelina Marini, April 25, 2009

Russia feels it is being discriminated with regard to the access of Russian companies to the European market of nuclear materials and that is why Moscow wants a unified approach to the issue. That;s what the Russian energy minister Sergey Shmatko said in response to the question of euinside about the proposal of Russia for a new energy charter with which the country wants a special legislation for the trade of nuclear materials. In the framework of the energy forum in Sofia, Mr. Shmatko organised two press conferences thus clearing Russian position on numerous energy issues.

The Russian minister added that Moscow is in constant dialogue with the European Commission and said he is convinced that sooner or later the issue of discrimination will be closed.

euinside also asked Sergey Shmatko whether the new proposal of Russian president Dmitry Medvedev is somehow in inconsistency with the Third Energy Package, approved this week by the European Parliament. According to Shmatko the new Russian ideas are more general but he underlined that he hopes that the European Commission will not turn the Package into a dogma and that the document will be implemented by European institutions "creatively". Whatever this means. Shmatko added that economy and reality cannot be fringed in a solid framework. In the same time the Third Energy Package gives opportunity, when necessary, for some flexibility and this is the reason why Russia is not very concerned.