
Cause and Effect in European Politics and Law

EC approved the draft budget for 2010

Adelina Marini, April 29, 2009

The European Commission has approved the draft budget of the Union for 2010 for 139 bn euro. The Economic recovery is in the centre of the expenditure plans of the Commission and will take 45 % of the overall sum. An increase is foreseen for the cohesion and Structural funds for EU-12, among which Bulgaria. The increase is 52 % or 49 bn euro, notwithstanding that Bulgaria has proved so far inefficiency and corruption in dealing with EU funds.

In the draft budget for 2010 have been included also 2.4 bn euro for financing the European Economy Recovery Plan which is for 5 bn euro for the next 2 years. 62 bn have been planned for jobs, infrastructure and competitiveness.

The 12 new member states will receive additionally 11 bn euro assistance for agriculture. According to estimates of the Commission, the farmers' income in EU-12 has increased with 47 % in comparison with the pre-accession period.