Deposing of the green myths
Adelina Marini, April 26, 2010
Five myths, compromising global efforts for a transition to low-carbon economy, aimed at fighting climate change, were presented in an article for the Washington Post by Robert Bryce. The author is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and his fourth book, "Power Hungry: The Myths of 'Green' Energy and the Real Fuels of the Future," will be out on April 27 in the US.
The five myths are that actually solar and wind energy are not the greenest of all, arguing that their production is expensive and poses a danger to natural habitats. The second myth is that going green will reduce our dependence on imports from unsavory regimes, which Mr Bryce also challenges with interesting arguments like the fact that most of the rarest earth elements from the group of the Lanthanides are not available in the US but in China where is also the biggest market of these elements, used to produce components for alternative energy technologies.
You can see all the myths and Robert Bryce's arguments in the Washington Post article. However, his conclusions add up to the fact that since there is no clear definition what green economy is, it will remain a prestigious "trademark" and each technology will be referred to as "green" in the run up for a market share. Opinions like that of Robert Bryce show once again the need of more information and more debates on what green economy is and are we ready for it.