
Cause and Effect in European Politics and Law

The BSP will count on its achievements so far in its election programme

Adelina Marini, June 12, 2009

There is no power on Earth which could make BSP (the Bulgarian Socialist Party) to change its ruling style. This is the conclusion that popped up in my head after reading the headlines of the governing programme of the socialists which will be presented officially and in detail today. Three are the basic messages in their platform: - balance of the achievements during their 4-year term - 24 bn euro investments; economic growth of over 6% for 4 years; reduction of the state debt from 40% to 16%; maintaining the unemployment rate under 6%; 344,000 new jobs; the minimum salary has been increased by 40%; the average salary increased from 324 lv. (166 euro) to 566 lv. (290 euro); the average pension jumped from 135 lv. (69 euro) to 236 lv. (121 euro); the Silver fund has been established with 800 mn lv. (410 mn euro) capital; the expenses for healthcare also have been increased from 2 bn to 3 bn lv.

The second message of the left party would be the will, the wish and the opportunity for the further development of the so far achieved. And the third pillar would be entirely directed to the financial crisis: care and protection for the people in times of economic crisis and stimulation of the economic growth. The platform also envisages guarantees for the macroeconomic and financial stability; the development of Bulgarian agriculture; active social state, easy access to healthcare; life long learning; zero tolerance to corruption; protection of the environment.

The socialists have severely criticised the election programmes of their rivals from GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) and the Blue coalition (consisting of right opposition parties) but without offering reasonable alternative.