"Belene" is the greatest treachery, according to Ivan kostov
Adelina Marini, May 12, 2009
"The greatest treachery to the national interest is the second nuclear power station "Belene". With its old technology, with wicked tender, with a loan from Russia, economically irrelevant. One kilowatt per hour will cost 0,16 levs. And if 7 and 8 blocks of the station "Kozlodui" are constructed then the price will be 0,11-0,12 levs. And the electricity from the "Maritsa" station is 0,06 levs. Belene will cost around 9 bn euro. (And when we build it we would have bought a 20 year old Moskvich). In times of crisis this means only that we will deliberately blow up the balance of payment of our country. This is what the leader of the DSB (Democrats for strong Bulgaria) Ivan Kostov said in a lecture at the New Bulgarian University.
He also said that the Bulgarian solution should be: revision of the big energy projects, making "Nabucco" a priority and guarantees against gas shortages.
According to the architect-engineer of the "Belene" station, the price of the project still is 3,8 bn euro. But in the adjoining infrastructure excluding. The price of the produced electricity is also not very clear because it depends on the terms of the loan for the construction as well as the market situation by the time it starts to operate.