
Cause and Effect in European Politics and Law

All commissioners-designate, without the Bulgarian one, have been approved by the EP

euinside, January 21, 2010

All 25 Commissioners-designate, excluding the Bulgarian one, have been approved by the Presidents Council of the European Parliament in which take part the president of the Parliament Jerzy Buzek and the presidents of the parliamentary groups. Today was the deadline the Council to receive the letters with the estimations of the Committees that heard the Commissioners-designate. No one is rebuffed as expected earlier because of unsatisfactory performance of some like the candidates for a second term Olli Rehn and Neelie Croes.

Because of the impasse with the Bulgarian candidate though the entire new Commission will be voted on the 9th of February and not on the 26th of January as planned. The European Parliament has decided to organise the hearing of the new Bulgarian candidate Ms. Kristalina Georgieva on the 3rd of February.

This evening the president of the Commission Jose Manuel Barroso met with the Bulgarian Commissioner-designate but still no news from the meeting.