
Cause and Effect in European Politics and Law

The day of Victory or the Day of Europe?

Adelina Marini, May 8, 2009

Today is the Day of Europe or, maybe, the Day of Victory. We could be certain though that it cannot be both, nevertheless they have the same roots. What does Europe celebrate on the 9th of May? The occasion is the signing of the famous Declaration of 9th of May 1950 which proposes on behalf of the French government the famous Agreement for coal and steel to be signed. Thus the foundations of the European Community are laid with the main aim Europe never to be at war again because of the great losses the old continent suffered, and not only, during and after the World wars. The author of the Declaration is Robert Schuman, born in Luxembourg but he signed it as a French minister of foreign affairs. He is considered as one of the founding fathers of the EU.

The second is Jean Monnet. He is the author of the idea for the establishment of the European Community and participates actively in writing of the Declaration of 9th of May.

And what it the Day of Victory? This is 9th of May 1945 when Germany signed its capitulation and thus the World War II is ended. Undoubtedly this is an occasion for celebration but until the division of Europe into two and the fall of the Iron curtain. And from that moment on the story is well known.

And it's not a coincidence that politicians from old member states of NATO and the EU always say that those unions are unions of shared values. It's interesting to know which values do we share in Bulgaria? Those of Europe or those of Victory? Because for some - then the Good won over the Fascist Evil, and for others - the Communism won.

9th of May is quite appropriate for considerations and reflection, especially in 2009 when the world is starting slowly to turn to itself and gaze, analysing the mistakes. In the little European angle, Bulgaria, things are happening that could hardly be accepted by the founding fathers - last minute changes in the electoral legislation, illogical raise of the barrier to 8 % for coalitions to enter the National Assembly, totally unclear introduction of something like a majority element in the voting system, unprecedented buying of media, repairs of legislation so that some media can benefit, irresponsible spending of money while official recognition that the budget will not be fulfilled, a lack of whatever order on the roads, households, among people.

Beside this, 9th of May is 29 days before the European elections and 57 days before the National Assembly elections. And as the advertising's going - it's your choice!